
1.2. Identification numbers of the car

Interpretation of identification number of the car. European models

1-3 — the Code of manufacturer
4-9 — car Model
10 — Steering

11 — Manufacturer
12-17 — Serial number

Interpretation of identification number of the car. American models

1-3 — the Code of manufacturer
4-7 — car Model
8 — Additional security systems
9 — the Control category
10 — the Code of year of release

W — 1998
X \19991999
Y — 2000
11 — Manufacturer
12-17 — Serial number

Interpretation of identification number of the engine

1 — Year of release
2-4 — the Code of the producer
5 — Appointment
6 — Engine capacity

7 — the Type of fuel (G-gasoline, the D-diesel)
8 — Absorption (N-normal, the S-supercharger, a T-turbocompressor)
9 — the Catalytic converter (B-podkapotny and under the bottom, U-under the bottom)

Name plate

Number of the engine

Number of the chassis